Monday, June 2, 2014

Unholy Alliances

June 2, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray wisdom for you in every decision you make and that you do not go haphazardly through your day, but with purpose.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Unholy Alliances”.

  In Joshua, chapter 9, the Children of Israel were
commanded to destroy the current inhabitants of their new Promised Land and take the cities.  God was executing judgment upon people who’d been given much opportunity to repent their wickedness but refused to.  When the Gibeonites heard that their neighbors were being slaughtered and that was to be their fate as well, they conceived a plan to deceive Joshua and the leadership of Israel.  They represented themselves as being people from far beyond the borders of Canaan and asked to be aligned with the Children of Israel.  Joshua did not consult God about the decision and made a pact with the Gibeonites that they would protect them.  It was an unholy alliance.

    In the next chapter we see Israel being drawn into a war
they had no business being in.  Ten kings of ten nations gathered against Gibeon.  The Gibeonites were quick to remind Joshua of his pact to protect them and he was bound to do so.  God was with Israel and the ten kings and their nations were destroyed, but oh, the trouble the Gibeonites brought upon Israel because a decision was made without first consulting God.
    We live in a day, beloved ones, where people can easily
portray themselves to be something they are not via the internet.  We can be drawn into bad business deals, harmful relationships or align ourselves with people who will cause trouble to come our way as the Gibeonites did with Israel.  It is crucial in these last days that we consult God about every decision we make.  God remained true to Israel in spite of their unholy alliance with Gibeon, but the Gibeonites continued to be a hindrance and a thorn in their side.
    Satan’s only tool is deception.  He was adept at it back in Joshua’s day and has had all these years to hone his skill.  Be not deceived, my friends.  Take your decisions to God.  Let Him shed His light on the situation and don’t be taken in by those who would misrepresent themselves.

Love in Christ,  Raelynn

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