Monday, July 22, 2013

The Defense Rests

July 22, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray you are making the most of every moment of your life here on earth, for it is but a vapor.

Today I want to talk to you about “The Defense Rests”.  A few months after John left me, I received a letter from his mother.  The letter said that she would always side with her son, that I am no longer part of the family and that I was not to contact anyone in her family ever again.  I was devastated.  I loved John’s family.  I didn’t have a problem with any of them.  What could he have told her to make her send such a letter to me?  My first reaction was to write a letter defending everything I’d ever said and done in John and I’s relationship.  I knew that if I could just explain, I could make her understand.  The urge was overwhelming.  But God said, “No”.  For a long time, I didn’t understand why.  Now I do.  He wanted to set me free.

Think about a court trial for a moment.  No one gets set free during the trial.  The trial is a time of turmoil, of accusation (prosecution) and defense.  It’s not until the defense rests that a resolution can come about.  After the defense rests, the facts are considered, a decision is reached and the accused is either convicted or found not guilty and set free.

The Bible tells us that we have an advocate (lawyer) who argues our case before the Only Judge (Father God).  His name is Jesus.  It is through Him we are justified (just as if I’d never sinned).  We are told in John 8:36 “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”.  So why don’t we feel set free?  I think it’s because we keep ourselves in the turmoil of the trial by constantly defending our words and actions to others, our thoughts and intents to ourselves and our motives to God.

I could have responded to Marie’s letter.  I could have explained.  I could have justified.  I could have defended and the prosecution would have sent a rebuttal and I’d have to defend some more.  I thank God for His wisdom in not allowing me to respond.  I needed to let the defense rest so He could set me free.

I read a poem over 30 years ago by BJ Hoff that illustrates this point.  I remember it still today.  “It matters not if the world has heard or approves or understands …the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.”

Letting the defense rest, Raelynn

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