Monday, March 31, 2014

Levitical Cities

March 31, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that all the cares of your life grow strangely dim in the light of God’s glory and grace toward you.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Levitical Cities”.  I was reading in Numbers 34 and 35 where the Children of Israel after 40 long years were about to enter the Promised Land.  God was dividing the land among the tribes as an inheritance (basically creating counties where each tribe would dwell and which would bear their name) – each tribe, that is, except the Levites.  The Levites would not be given a section of land for an inheritance.
    The Levites were a tribe set apart for the priesthood.  Their job was to represent God’s will to the people and the people’s needs to God.   God provided for the Levites, but instead of keeping them all together in one county, he had each of the tribes give them cities in their counties, 48 cities in all, spread throughout the whole land.  If there was a spiritual need among Israel, God didn’t want the people who lived farthest away from the Levite’s county to have to travel, days, weeks or months to get help.  He wanted His ambassadors right there, in cities in each tribe’s land.

    Revelation 1:6 says that we are priests to our God and Matthew 5:14 calls us a city on a hill.  That makes us Levitical cities, beloved ones.  If you follow Christ, you are set apart to represent God to the people and to bring the people to God.  He has us as Levitical cities spread across this land of ours in every region so that when a spiritual need arises in a person’s life, they won’t have far to go to get help.
    My co-worker’s 12 year old son calls me “the religious lady”, which I think is funny because he is an altar boy and spends more hours in church than I do.  I got the nickname because I prayed over him when he fractured his arm and I call his mom with scriptures when she’s having a rough day.  He, in his childlike way, is just recognizing me as a Levitical city.
    Matthew 5:14 goes on to say that a city on a hill
cannot be hid.  As this world darkens, our lights must shine brightly so that those who would turn to the Lord can see where to go.
    It has been said that “No man is an island” but every man who serves Christ is a city – a Levitical city.  Be that city on a hill, my friends.  Be Christ’s ambassador to a lost and dying world.

Hopefully shining brightly, “The Religious Lady”

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