Monday, March 3, 2014


March 10, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that you are able to redeem the time, for the days are evil.
     Today I want to talk to you about “Opposition”.  This past week I experienced a lot of opposition.  I had clients call the corporate office to complain about me.  I had policies I’d just written stolen away from me by another agent; I was losing more business than I was writing – it seemed everywhere I turned something bad was happening one after another like an assault.  

On Saturday, I drove 75 miles one way to get a photo I needed for a Homeowner’s policy and when I got all the way out there, the battery was dead on my boss’ camera.  The charger was, of course, back in the office over an hour away.  Fortunately I had my camera with me and took the pictures with it.  I got back home and was putting the sd card in the computer to download the pictures and the card fell apart in my hand.  It completely came apart!  I would have to drive back out and take another photo after purchasing a new card.  Which I did.  Aarggh!  Frustrating!

    Well, I learned something about opposition that weekend.  We usually think when everything goes wrong that it’s an attack of the enemy, don’t we?  I sure did.  But the Lord showed me that “opposition” is simply “the opposite of my position”.  It’s the opposite of what I planned or wanted to happen.  It’s not necessarily an attack of the enemy; it just wasn’t my will for the situation.
    You see, the first time I drove literally out in the middle of the desert to get this photo, I took one of my sisters-in-Christ who I rarely get to see with me to keep me company.  We talked and laughed on the way out there and back and even got dinner together afterwards.  It was a precious time.  Sunday at church when I was sharing what happened with the photo card, the Lord put it on the heart of another of my sisters to drive me back out to take the photo again.  She brought her sister-in-law and not only did I not have to buy more gas and put wear and tear on my car, but the three of us talked about the Lord, uplifted and encouraged one another on the trip.  These were, again, sisters that I love dearly but rarely get to spend time with.
    Through this the Lord showed me that I was not being attacked with my circumstances.  It was merely opposition- the opposite of the position I would have chosen.  It was not my will being done, but His.  Next time you feel under attack, beloved ones, try to see it as opposition.  Say, “Ok, Lord, this definitely is not MY will for the situation, is there something YOU are trying to accomplish here?”  When we turn our focus upon God in these situations, He will either teach us something about His will or give you what you need to fight with if it truly is an attack of the enemy.

    “For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”.  Isaiah 54:9    Always Learning,  Raelynn

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