Monday, March 10, 2014

A Broken World

March 10, 2014

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray that you love yourself as much as Jesus loves you, for you are precious.

Today I want to talk to you about “A Broken World”.  The biggest turning point in my Christian walk, my relationship with Jesus, and my life in general came in February 2012.  Prior to that I was stuck,
I’d been deeply hurt and betrayed, couldn’t get past what had happened, and my mind, heart and life just kind of stalled.  I got stuck, I couldn’t seem to progress in any area of my life.  Have you been there?

My saving grace was a Bible study called “Stuck” that I purchased in a Christian book store.  I know this was divine intervention because I rarely enter Christian bookstores and I never buy pre-packaged Bible studies, but the name called out to me.  I was stuck; perhaps it could help.  And it did.

The concept that changed everything was simple but profound.  I want to share it with you today.  Simply put, “A broken world can’t fix you.”  This world is fallen, steeped in sin and is broken.  It is not

what God had intended for us.  People born into this broken world are also fallen from a broken world and broken people.  We look to them for our happiness, our success, our health.  A broken world and broken people are not capable of meeting our needs.  They are not whole themselves – how can they make us whole?

I believe the world is so full of anxiety and depression today because people are constantly being disappointed.  The disappointments mount until it threatens to bury them.  They are let down by a broken world that they are expecting will meet their needs, but is unable to.

But Jesus can!  Once I realized that the only one who can fix me is Jesus and got my focus off this broken world and onto Him I became unstuck.  How my life has changed since I started looking to Jesus to meet all my needs and not the people around me!  I now have a peaceful home, a reliable car, a good job with a good boss, good health and restored relationship with my children.  I came to realize that this world is not home to those who follow Christ.  We are just here to learn to love Jesus and help each other through this difficult, broken place until we reach our true home in Heaven.

Since this discovery, I’ve been more focused on what God would have me use my time for, on helping others and showing them that God truly loves them.  And as I focused less on my own needs, I found
Jesus had met them all!  My life has purpose and meaning.  I am happy and am no longer stuck.  I pray, my friends, that you are able to grasp this concept and apply it to your lives and that it brings you the success and happiness it has brought me.

Give the broken pieces of your lives to Jesus, beloved ones.  Give him your fears, anxieties and needs.  Commit wholeheartedly to Him and He will give you a life truly worth living.

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith – your sister, Raelynn

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