Monday, June 3, 2013

Increasing to Non-ceasing

June 3, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray that the smile on your face makes a stop at your eyes and comes to rest in your soul.

Today I want to talk to you about “increasing to non-ceasing”.  I’m talking about your prayer-life.  Some of you are asking, “What’s a prayer-life?”  Ahh…so glad you asked!

We are told in I Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing.  Sound impossible?  It’s not.  There was a time long ago that I prayed over my food (if I wasn’t out in public) and whenever a serious problem arose.  That was it.  You could hardly call that a prayer-life.  But now I’ve reached a point of praying without ceasing.  Let me show you what that might look like…

When I woke up in the morning, my first thought is,
“Lord, Thank you for another day.  Let my life be pleasing to you today.  Guide me, keep me, forgive any sin I may have committed and show me what you want from my life today.”  I bless my breakfast.  As I walk outside, I either thank God  for the beautiful day or pray for safety on the roads in the weather.  As I drive to work, I ask God to watch over and protect my children and grandchildren, my mom, my church family, my beloved ones, my friends and co-workers.  I ask for specific needs I know some of them have.  I pray for salvation or a closer walk with Jesus, whichever the person’s need may be.  When I get to work, I pray for a good day, favor for my boss, clients and co-workers.  I ask that He help me out with problems that will arise and for patience when I am challenged.  While I’m working, my mind is of course on my job, but if I get a good sale or something goes right or easy, I breathe a little “thank you Lord” and if I’m having a rough day, my spirit cries out “help” and I know my Lord hears me.  As I talk to clients, if one of them shares that he or a family member is ill, I tell him I’ll pray for them and when we hang up, I do.  As I drive home, I’m thanking God for the successes in my day and asking for guidance for things to come. 
In the evening, I try to find a little time to just be quiet and ask Him to speak to me.  As I go to bed, I thank Him for loving me and being my constant companion throughout the day.  I ask Him to keep me while I sleep that I might wake again tomorrow.

After a while, praying without ceasing becomes as a second-nature as breathing.  What kind of prayer-life do you have?  If you only pray when a need arises, try also blessing your food.  If you are doing that, add prayer for those you love.  Don’t forget to repent sins and ask for guidance.  Before you know it, you’ll be increasing to non-ceasing.

What is the benefit of praying without ceasing?  I’m
not as lonely – I have someone to talk to all day.  I feel more confident – I know God hears me and help is just a whisper away.  I have purpose- I know my prayers for others help make their lives better.  Prayer changes things.

My prayer for you, beloved ones, is that you have a prayer-life and it be rich and full and will bless you with all the benefits I receive from mine.

Remember me in your prayers, Raelynn