Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Body of Christ

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are sharing the Gospel of Christ in your words, actions and reactions and that it has become who you are and not just what you do.

     Today I want to talk to you about "the Body of Christ".  We first read about the body of Christ in I Corinthians chapter 12 where it describes believers as a body fitting jointly together, each having its place and purpose with Jesus as the head.  I believe this is an accurate description of the body of Christ.  But today, I want to challenge you to take this concept more personally.

     God is a Spirit, the Bible tells us, and while Jesus did walk this earth in bodily form in times past, only His spirit is here with us now.  That being the case, how does He physically do things on the earth today?  He uses His body - you and me.

    We are told to have the mind of Christ.  This represents Jesus as the head of our body.  If the rest ouf our body belonged to Jesus, how would He be using it?  His eyes were kind and caring and filled with compassion, seeing the good in others, seeing  their need.  His ears heard people's cries, complaints and their needs.  He listened.  His mouth spoke words of peace, encouragement, taught of the Father and the Kingdom, gave instruction, direction and never condemned.  His heart belonged solely to the Father.  It was fixed, steadfast.  His arms reached out to the hurting, to widows, to children.  His hands were used to minister to others, to wash His disciple's feet, to heal.  His feet took him wherever the Father told Him to go, they sought out those who were lost, they took him into the company of sinners and the outcast, they did not run away when He was falsely accused.

     If I truly believe that I am the body of Christ - His means of accomplishing things physically on this earth, shouldn't my body be used in the same way His was?  Casting Crowns sings a song called, "If We are the Body".  It asks, "If we are the body, why aren't his arms reaching, why aren't his hands healing, why aren't his words teaching?..."

     Lord, help me to be your body on this earth.  Help me to see with your eyes, hear with your ears, speak with your mouth.  Use my hands and feet as you used yours and let my heart belong solely to the Father, steadfast and immovable.  Amen

This is my sincere prayer.  I hope you make it yours too.  Love in Christ, Raelynn

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