Monday, April 21, 2014


April 21, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that the things that cause Jesus’ heart to break, breaks yours as well.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Priorities”.  One of the things that come with free will is the ability to choose what we will and will not do and to decide which things are more worthy of our time and attention than others.  These are our priorities.  My priorities got shaken recently.
    Until recently, I believed my priorities were in pretty good shape.  I love the Lord with all my heart, try to put Him first in all things, try to love others, share His love when and where I can.  I try to focus on Kingdom things and trust Him for my physical needs.  I go to church, read my Bible and pray.  I’ve seen God use me a time or two and I’ve thought, “my priorities are in the right place”.
    Then I went to church and heard a speaker for Gospel for

Asia.  He told us that 80% of Asia is closed to Westerners and that ½ million villages in India have never heard of Jesus, but they’ve heard of Coca-Cola, Frito-Lay, and one mud-covered wall of a hut had a Lady Gaga poster attached to it.  He told us that every time our heart beats someone dies and begins an eternity of suffering in Hell.   The region of Uttar Pradesh (where the Taj Majal is) is 81% Hindu, 19% Muslim and less than 1% Christian.  There are several active anti-Christian extremist groups in the area and persecution is common. 
    I committed to support a 21 year old missionary girl who
was converted from Hinduism when a visiting Pastor shared Jesus with her and her family.  As her father received Christ, he was miraculously healed of kidney failure.  In gratitude to her new-found God, the girl became a missionary to her own people in her own land.  The Gospel for Asia ministry will keep me posted about how she’s doing and said they will call me if she’s killed for preaching the Gospel, which is common there.  This one is daily risking her life while I worry about paying a bill or if I have the right jewelry to go with my outfit.  Shame on me.
    That’s what I meant about priorities, beloved ones.  We get so caught up in our own little worlds, we don’t even think about the people slipping into Hell with every heartbeat or the ones putting their lives on the line so there will be fewer who do.  People need to matter more than bills and jewelry.  They need to be a priority.
    I’m asking God to help me adjust my priority list.  I’m asking Him to give me a heart for the lost.  How does your priority list look, my friends?  God has changed mine in a heartbeat.  The harvest is plenteous, but the workers are few….

Choosing to be a worker,  Raelynn

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