Have you ever wondered if its possible to actually live the way the Bible instructs us to?  Is it really possible to "walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh", to "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding", to "deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus"?
          I want to find out.  I think the reason we don't see God meeting our needs is that we have so many "plan B's" that trusting God for our needs has become a last resort.
          I'm conducting an experiment.  Not a lab experiment with controls, but a social experiment to see if I can live totally submitted to God like the Bible instructs and see Him meet my needs.
           Don't misunderstand - I'm not testing God or the Bible.  I have total faith in them. I'm testing myself.  I'm becoming God's guinea pig to see if I can deny my flesh, consider others above myself, put God's will above my own.  Can I remain faithful when opposition arises?  How big a pull does my flesh have?  Will I try to justify my own will?
          I'm talking about a radical lifestyle change of denying myself, taking up my cross and following Christ - and I'm going to blog the journey.  Can a person in today's society really trust God to meet his every need?  I invite you to follow The Experiment  and see for yourself.... (click on above link to get to the blog)

1 comment:

  1. Because its your hearts desire , God will see you thru it... I am very proud of you and know that experiment will bless me and many other as we follow you thru it..
