Monday, October 7, 2013

The Encounter

October 7, 2013

Good Morning my beloved ones,

            I pray you are making the most of each opportunity given you, for they are divine appointments from God.

            Today I want to talk to you about “the Encounter”.  A client came into my office the other day and shared with me how his wife came to the Lord.  The story touched me, and I want to share it with you.  My client was a Christian who had put God on the back burner of his relationship and was choosing to do his own thing.  He was living with a woman to whom he was not married and who did not know the Lord.  She had not read the Bible, they did not discuss religious things.  The man and woman shared other interests, but God was not one of them.  One day the woman was in a serious accident and fell into a coma.  She went into the coma a sinner who knew nothing of God, a soul destined for Hell.  She awoke from the coma saved and loving Jesus.  When the woman emerged from the coma she was beside herself with excitement.  She grasped her boyfriend’s arm and cried, “I was with Jesus!  I know it was Jesus.  
I couldn’t look upon His face, but He held me and I felt overwhelming love and I confessed all I ever did and pledged my life to Him”.  Her word’s were confident, her eyes sparkled with truth and love.  When she was in the darkest place – the depths of a coma – she had an encounter with Jesus and it changed her life.  In fact, two lives were changed that day.  My client repented and recommitted his life to Jesus.  The two were married and have been serving Jesus together now for over 13 years.

            This story reminds me of another encounter in the Bible.  Jesus said He needed to go to Samaria.  He had an appointment with a woman at a well.  This woman had had 5 husbands and was currently living with a man to whom she was not married.  When the woman encountered Jesus, He told her all she ever did and extended His love, forgiveness and grace to her.  She too, repented and ran to tell others of her encounter with Jesus.

            The stories of both women’s salvation touch me because these women did not seek out Jesus.  He sought out them.  Luke 19:10 says “For the Son of Man is come to seek and save that which is lost”.  Know this, beloved, Jesus sees you in your darkest place and He loves you enough to plan an encounter with you.  But why wait for Him to seek you?  Run to Jesus, beloved ones.  Encounter Him now.  Let Him hold you in His arms and extend His love, forgiveness and grace to you.  It will change your life.

            It’s time to wake from our comas, my friends.  It’s time to come alive to the excitement of a relationship with the living Christ!

Alive in Him - Raelynn

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