Monday, January 20, 2014

If You’re Sure

January 20, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray today you are confident in who you are in Christ and in all He’s done for you.
    Today I want to talk to you about “If You’re Sure”.  Ok, I’ll admit it.  I love commercials. I memorize jingles.  There was a commercial in the ‘80’s for a deodorant and the jingle went,
“Confident, confident, dry and secure, raise your hand, raise your hand if you’re Sure.”  They were saying that if you used Sure deodorant you’d be confident enough that there would be no odor or sweat stains that you could lift your arms up in the air.

    Because I fancy myself a writer and love words, I’ve often re-written songs and jingles to glorify the Lord.  Here’s how I’d re-write that one: “Confident, confident, saved and secure, raise your hand, raise your hand if you’re sure”.  In
school the teacher would ask a question and those who were sure they knew the answer would raise their hands.  You could always tell who was more confident in their knowledge by how high their hand was raised.
    I’m thankful that I attend a church that doesn’t discourage hand-raising in service.  During worship and often when I’m in agreement with the message, I will raise my hands.  I’m basically telling Jesus, “I’m confident. Confident.  Saved and secure.  I can raise my hands.  I’ll raise my hands because I’m sure.”
    Are you confident in your salvation, beloved ones?  Are you saved and secure?  I raise my hands, not because I know there will be no sweat stains, but because I know my redeemer lives, that He’s forgiven my sins and one day I will spend eternity with Him.  I have that confidence.  I’m sure.
    I know that not everyone is a hand-raiser.  That’s ok.  You’ve got to do what feels right to you.  But what I want for you, my friends, is to have that confidence that if you felt led to you could raise your arms high in the air and be sure.

“And I am sure that when I come unto you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. (Romans 15:29)  Raelynn

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