Monday, January 27, 2014

Be careful what you ask for

January 27, 2014

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray that you are taking in the wisdom of God’s word and are allowing it to change your lives.

Today I want to talk to you about “Be careful what you ask for”.  You know the rest of that saying…”you might just get it!”  Did you know that it is possible to pray amiss?  James 4:3 says “You ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you might consume it upon your lusts.”  It is saying that if you ask for things that feed your flesh, God may not give them to you because you are asking for the wrong things.  But there is a greater danger.  Sometimes when we ask amiss, God gives us what we ask for.

The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.  During that time, God supernaturally provided bread from Heaven for them.  But they grew tired of the same old thing meal after meal, day after day, and complained to God and cried out for meat.  They already had tasty, nutritious, miraculous food.  They were not hungry.  They were bored.  They satisfy their flesh – and God gave it to them.  But at what cost?  Psalm 106:15 says “He gave them their request, but sent famine into their souls.”  The children of Israel, through their prayers fed their flesh but starved their souls.

Carefully consider, beloved ones, what you are asking God for… you might just get it.  Would the granting of your request nourish or starve your soul?  I’ve had times when I’ve felt empty and malnourished in my soul.  It is a terrible affliction for a child of God.  Definitely not something I’d want to bring upon myself through my prayers.

If our prayers are focused on God’s will for our lives more than our will for our lives, we are less likely to pray amiss.  Sometimes getting what you ask for can be worse than having your prayer go unanswered.  Before you ask, consider – would this feed my flesh or feed my soul?  We’d all be wise to be careful what we ask for.

Love in Christ, Raelynn

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