About the Writings

     Welcome to the writings of Raelynn Gilman.  Raelynn is called to teach and gifted to write and desires to combine these into writings that will minister truth, hope and love to all that read them.

     LETTERS TO MY BELOVED ONES are letters of exhortation to the body of Christ to become all God has called you to be and to live the Christian life to your full potential and to the glory of God.

     THE MADDIE LEARNS SERIES and THE LAZY DAYS RETIREMENT HOME SERIES are short stories for children and the elderly that are meant to encourage and show the love of God to all His children, regardless of age.

     REFLEXIONS are daily devotions meant to inject a bit of wisdom from the Word of God into the reader's day.

     THE EXPERIMENT is a social experiment blogged in real time to see if one could truly live as the Bible calls us to live.

     THE BIGGER PICTURE is a collaboration with my brother that explores why our world is the way it is, how it got this way, and what we can do about it.

     May God richly bless you as you read, and if you come across something that will bless another, please refer them to the site.

Love in Christ, Raelynn


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