Wednesday, March 25, 2015

God's Tithe

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that whatever your lot, God has taught you to say, "It is well with my soul".

     Today, I want to talk to you about "God's Tithe".  Some of you already don't want to read this based on the title - but please do.  I think it will bless you.  The thing that impressed me when I first attended Living Faith Fellowship in Benson was that before the collection was taken, the pastors prayed.  In that prayer, they asked the Lord to bless His tithe and our offering.

     The word "tithe" means "tenth".  It was instituted in Genesis 14 when Abraham was victorious in a battle of 9 kings and immediately following a priest of the Most High God appreared to him and Abraham gave him a tenth of all he had.  It was a thank you, gratitude for the victory, for sparing the lives of his family, for always being there.  Again we see in Genesis 28, Jacob has an encounter with God and he is so blessed by what he is shown that he promises to serve God and give him a tenth of all his possessions.

     People have the mistaken impression that if they go to church, they will have to pay tithe. Tithe is not paid; it is given out of gratitude and not to a church but to God.  If you love God, if He's ever done anything for you (like give you breath to breathe each new day) or shown Himself to you, you should show your gratitude by tithing.

     Malachi 3:10 tells us to "bring the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house".  If you attend a church, that is the logical place to bring your tithe.  You give your tithe to God at church and it's between God and those ministers how it is used.  Once you've shown your gratitude by tithing, you've done your part.  The rest is in God's hands.

     If you do not attend a church are you exempt from tithing?  It's always your choice, of course.  You are not forced to tithe.  But Malachi 3:8 says it is possible to rob God by not tithing.  Think about it.  He has poured blessing upon you: life, family, home job, health, possessions, and you can't return a tenth of what first belonged to Him to say thanks?  I'd call that robbing God.

     I've had periods in my life when I was not attending a specific church for whatever reason.  I still tithed.  When I got my paycheck, I cashed it and the first 10% I used to buy grocery store gift cards and I handed them out on the street.  Feeding people, I believe, is a good way to thank God for His bounty toward me.  Did you notice I said  the first 10% of my check went toward this endeavor?  If I'd waited until i paid all my bills and spent on other wants and needs, I'd probably not have 10% left.  God have His best (Jesus) for us.  Should we give Him our left-overs?

     I hope this letter encouraged you to think about tithing a little differently.  When I am obedient to tithe, God meets all my needs.  I never do without.  "Prove Me in this", God says in Malachi 3:10.  Try it and see.  You will be blessed.

Ever grateful,  Raelynn

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