Saturday, March 7, 2015

It Would Have Been Enough

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that every blessing from the Father is yours and that joy is a constant companion to you.

        Today I want to talk to you about "It would have been enough.  At Passover, devout Jews sing a song called Dayenu (pronounced die anew).  It means "It would have been enough".  The gist of the song is this: it would have been enough that you freed us from slavery if you'd not also destroyed our captors.  It would have been enough if you'd destroyed our captors but never brought us into the Promised Land... and on and on throughout the events of the Israelite's history.
     The Messianic Jews sing the same song, but about Jesus:  It would have been enough that you've forgiven my sins, even if you'd never promised Heaven.  It would have been enough if you promised Heaven but never sent the Holy Spirit to guide us...and so on.
     We can sing Dayenu about our families:  Mom, it would have been enough that you brought me into this world, even if you'd never taken me home from the hospital.  It would have been enough if you'd brought me home, but didn't know how to care for me...and on and on throughout the events of our lives.
     It is the nature of man to never be satisfied; to always want bigger, better or more.  The song of Dayenu teaches us that every single thing we've been blessed with is more than we deserve and in itself should be enough, even if we were never given another thing.
     Lord, help us to learn from the song of the Jews, how to appreciate all the blessings bestowed upon us by our Heavenly Father, our Savior, our families and our friends.  When the enemy tries to remind us of the things we don't have but he insists we deserve, let us die anew to his voice in our minds, and be able to say and mean "It would have been enough".
  Complete in Christ, Raelynn

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