Saturday, March 14, 2015

Becoming Committed

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray you are in good health and are prospering even as your soul prospers.
     Today I want to talk to you about "Becoming Committed".  To be committed means to give oneself fully to - no turning back, no matter what.  Commitment is a rare commodity in today's society.  There is very little commitment in marriages, to one's childrent, to parents and siblings, to employers and jobs, to keep one's word.  Commitment in politics is almost non-existent.  Platforms, values, ideals change with whatever is popular or will get the desired result.  I believe the Lord is looking for those who will be committed to Him.
     Here is a picture of commitment:  A knight on one knee, head bowed, arms extended, offering his sword in a pledge to his liege (king) to serve and protect his name and his kingdom with his own life if need be.  This is where the term "pledge of allegiance" comes from.  It was a vow to commit oneself fully to serve a king and protect his kingdom at whatever cost to himself personally.
     The Bible tells us that husbands are to love their wives like Christ loved the church in that He gave His life for it.  That is a call to commitment, pledging one's allegiance.  It is more than "doing".  It's being a knight in shining armor.
     Is there any person, nation, belief, or ideal that deserves our allegiance more than Christ?  He created everything else we could commit ourselves to.  He gave His very blood to give us the freedom to choose to give our all to Him.
     The rock group, KISS, called themselves, "Knights in Satan's Service".  They understood commitment and allegiance.  They were not committed to the King, but to merely a prince - the prince of this world; the prince of the power of the air.
     Be more, beloved ones!  Kneel before your King.  Bow your head, extend your sword (the Word of God) and commit yourselves fully to your King and to His kingdom.  It's time to make a commitment to be a knight in shining armor in service to the King of Kings.  I leave you with the words of Ray Boltz, "I pledge allegiance to the Lamb, with all my strength, with all I am..."
Committed to Him, Raelynn

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