Monday, January 13, 2014

The Right Tool

January 13, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray when all around you is chaos, you possess a peace that keeps you and spreads out to others.
    Today I want to talk to you about “The Right Tool”.  During my time as a single woman, there have been occasions when I’ve needed to use a tool, and of course, not having a tool box lying around, I’ve had to improvise.  I’ve used the only real tool I own, a pair of channel-locks (though why or how I have them, I don’t know) to pound in a nail.  I’ve used a butter knife to turn a screw.  

Needless to say, these makeshift tools made the job take twice as long, more frustrating and at times caused me injury.  There is something satisfying about driving a nail with one good swing of a hammer, or easily tightening a screw with a few twists of a screwdriver.  Life is simpler and runs more smoothly when we use the right tool for the job.

    There is a job that each of us have been created
for.  Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created for God’s glory.  If our lives are not bringing glory to God, we are like a pair of channel-locks pounding a nail or a butter knife turning a screw.  We are not doing the job we were created to do.  Is it any wonder we are often frustrated and dissatisfied with the results of our lives?
    People have asked me “How can you be sure God exists, that what you are serving is not your own imagination?” The answer is simple.  I’m the
right tool for the job.  I’m doing what I was created to do: glorifying God.  It feels right, like when that nail goes right in or the screw turns easily.  There is no frustration in my relationship with God.  Things of this world still cause trouble and bring sorrow to my life, but when I am glorifying God all that fades away and all is right with my world because it is where I am meant to be and what I was created to do.
    Is your life the right tool for the job you were created to do, beloved one?  Or are you a butter knife?  Life is so much better when we use the right tool for the job.

Created for His glory – your sister, Raelynn

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