Monday, January 6, 2014

Time for an Oil Change

January 6, 2014
Happy New Year, My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that it is a new year for your relationship with Christ and that in this year you grow in faith and in love and in favor with God and man.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Time for an Oil Change”.   Car manufacturers recommend that you get your oil changed every 3 months or 3000 miles, whichever comes first.  This routine maintenance is required to keep your car operating as it should.  If you rarely or never changed your oil, what would happen?  The oil thickens and turns into a solid sludge.  It no longer moves freely, lubricating the moving parts, reducing friction.  The parts then can stick together causing the engine to seize – quit.

    Christians are like car engines.  They need the “oil” of the Holy Spirit flowing freely through them to keep them operating as they should.  Have you seen Christians who are sluggish, unmotivated, or cause friction when interacting with others?  This is the result of spiritual sludge.  They are overdue for an “oil” change.  If they don’t receive one soon, they are in danger of seizing up and quitting their walk altogether.
    Where do you take your car for an oil change?
 You go to a service station or take your car to a mechanic.  Where do Christians get their spiritual oil changed?  They go to the service station (church) or to the mechanic (Jesus).  It is here that the dirt and sludge is removed and fresh oil can be poured in causing the vehicle to once again run as it should.
    Don’t neglect your routine maintenance, beloved ones.  Is it time for an oil change?  Repent the sin and grime that would gum up your spiritual engine and let Jesus fill you with the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit.  We want to finish the race we’ve been given to run.  Don’t allow your engine to seize just short of the finish line.  

Thankful for the service station and grateful to the mechanic of my soul - Raelynn

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