Monday, October 21, 2013

Person of Privilege

October 21, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

            I pray that you feel as blessed as you are, feel as loved as you are, and feel as special as you are.

            Today I want to talk to you about “a person of privilege”.  Numbers, chapter 16, tells us about a man named Korah who gathered 250 of Israel’s most prominent men to help him overthrow Moses as leader to take his place.  Who was this Korah that he should attempt such a thing?

            Korah was a Kohathite.  The Kohathites, Numbers, chapter 4 tells us, were the only people in Israel who were permitted to touch the most holy things in the tabernacle.  When the tabernacle was taken down so the people could move on, it was the Kohathites who carried the most holy instruments including the Ark of the Covenant which represented the very presence of God.  This was a high honor bestowed upon a few select people.  Korah was a person of privilege.  But Korah didn’t view himself as a person of privilege.  Numbers 16:9 says he thought it a small thing that the God of Israel separated him from the congregation to bring him near Himself for this special act of service.  Korah didn’t want to serve.  He wanted to be served.  It was personal ambition in spiritual clothing.

            How did God Respond to Korah’s rejection of his privileged position in order to gain personal promotion?  He caused the ground to open and swallow Korah and his family alive down into the pit and the 250 which followed him the Lord burned up with fire.

            Did you know that you are a person of privilege, beloved one?  The God of the universe has separated you unto Himself for a very special act of service.  You (and I) carry the most Holy instrument wherever we go.  We carry the Holy Spirit of God inside us (I Corinthians
6:19).  We take not the box that represented the presence of God as Korah did, but take God’s actual spirit with us everywhere we go.  This should not seem a small thing to us, beloved ones.

            It’s time we saw ourselves as people of privilege.  Recognize the honor that has been bestowed upon you and put away any desire for personal promotion.  Become content with who God has called you to be and the role you play in His kingdom.  Godliness with contentment is great gain (I Timothy 6:6).

Privileged to serve Him, your sister Raelynn

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