Monday, April 7, 2014

Keeping Christ in Christianity

April 7, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that in work, in play, here or away, you represent the One who gives you life and that more abundantly.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Keeping Christ in Christianity”.  There is a danger for those of us who have been a Christian for many years.  The danger is in allowing Christianity to become a lifestyle- something we do instead of who we are.  It is so easy to say and do Christian things and live the Christian life and be a good Christian, that it quickly becomes about us and has very little to do with the Christ for whom Christianity is named.
    Do you ever open your Bible to read your chapter a day, but get very little from what you’ve read?  Or find that your mind was drifting to things you need to do and you lost which verse you were on?  Do you find yourself repeating the same prayers, nearly word-for-word without much expectation of seeing them answered?  Do you faithfully attend church every time the doors are open, but couldn’t tell someone afterward what text the message was from?  If any of these scenarios describe your Christian walk, there is help.  We simply need to put Christ back into our Christianity.
    Christ gave this advice to the Church at Ephesus in Revelation Chapter 2, “Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love.  Remember therefore, from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works”.  If Christ is not foremost in your Christian walk, beloved ones, it’s time for a stroll down memory lane.
    Do you remember the day Jesus took your sin away and that burden was lifted and you felt free for the first time? Do you remember the gratitude you felt?  Have you ever laid hands on someone and prayed for their need and saw God move miraculously on their behalf?  How awesome did it feel to be used like that?  Have you ever experienced the joy of leading another person to salvation through Christ?  Remember from whence you’ve fallen and do the first works, beloved ones.
    There is no Christianity without Christ.  If we’ve left our first love, we   are simply going through the motions.  Let’s keep falling in love with Him over and over and over again.  Let’s take a stroll with our Savior down memory lane and keep Christ front and center in our Christianity.

In His love,  Raelynn

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