Monday, April 14, 2014

Worlds Apart

April 14, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray you are seeing clearly all things through the light of God’s truth.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Worlds Apart”.  There are two separate realities or “worlds” in which we humans on this earth can live.  One is the “World without God”.  In this world, people go through life not believing in God, not acknowledging Him and
without Him being a part of their lives.  It is a selfish world, where it’s all about “Me”: what I want, what I need, what I deserve, and if people get hurt in that pursuit, oh, well.  The other world is a world in which people acknowledge God as their creator, have accepted His sacrifice for their selfishness, choose to serve Him and try to live to please Him.  One is a world of lust, the other is a world of love, and they are worlds apart.
    When we think of lust, we often think of sexual immorality, don’t we?  But lust is nothing more than strong desire – a craving, a longing for.  God is love, I John 4:16 tells us.  A world without God is a world without love.  It is a world completely ruled by lust.  People in this world are ruled by their longings and their desires.  They long to be successful, have money and nice things, have friends.  They long to be noticed, appreciated, loved, accepted and admired.  They use jobs, people, money, sex, drugs, alcohol, religion and all manner of things to fulfill these desires.  They are hopelessly trapped in a world where they are always wanting, needing, desiring, deserving something and when they’ve obtained it, it doesn’t satisfy.  It can’t, because they are looking for love and He’s not a part of their world.

    But there is hope.  Because there is God and He is love and He made a better world to which we can escape.  Because if we will acknowledge that we are selfish, lustful, sinful people and accept Jesus as our Savior, we enter the “World of God” where love, forgiveness, grace and mercy rule.  It is no longer about me and what I want, need, desire and deserve.  Out of gratitude for being rescued from the world of Godlessness, it’s now about Him, what I can give Him in return.  It’s about what God wants, needs, desires and deserves from my life.
    People who accept Christ and exchange the world of lust for the world of love don’t become lust-free overnight.  We still have selfish desires that we have to deal with.  The apostle Paul put it this way, “For the good that I would do, I do not, but the evil I would not do – that I do.” (Romans 7:19)  But, Love, beloved ones, covers a multitude of sins.  The more we know and come to love God, the less lust will rule in our hearts and lives.
   It’s my prayer that you are all choosing to live in the world of Love.  Pray for those who are trapped in the world of lust and when opportunity arises, show them there’s a better way to live.  The two realities may be worlds apart, but Jesus is the bridge.

Choosing to live in Love, Raelynn

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