Monday, April 28, 2014

Coming and Going

April 28, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that you are ever aware of God’s call on your life and are walking in it.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Coming and Going”.  In Mark 16:15, we are commanded, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”.  It does not say, “If you’re not too busy with your job and family, go into all the world and preach”.  It doesn’t say, “If you’re called to Missions, go and preach”.  It doesn’t say, “If you feel so led, go and preach”.  It’s a command to every believer.  It is our Great Commission.  But the Great Commission involves coming as well as going.

    You cannot go into all the world unless you have first come out of it and have separated yourself to follow Christ.  A person cannot “go into the world” if they are already living in it.  This was the problem Lot had.  Lot was living in sinful Sodom and the men of Sodom asked him, “Who are you to judge us, when you choose to live here too?” (Genesis 19:9).

    To witness Christ as we are called to do, we must come out from them and be Holy as He is Holy.  We must practice what we preach.  Our lives must reflect Christ in our coming and our going.  Only then can we fulfill the Great Commission Christ has called us to.
    Lord, help us come to you so we can go to the lost, that they may also come to you.

May you be blessed in all your coming and going - Raelynn

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