Monday, July 22, 2013

The Defense Rests

July 22, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray you are making the most of every moment of your life here on earth, for it is but a vapor.

Today I want to talk to you about “The Defense Rests”.  A few months after John left me, I received a letter from his mother.  The letter said that she would always side with her son, that I am no longer part of the family and that I was not to contact anyone in her family ever again.  I was devastated.  I loved John’s family.  I didn’t have a problem with any of them.  What could he have told her to make her send such a letter to me?  My first reaction was to write a letter defending everything I’d ever said and done in John and I’s relationship.  I knew that if I could just explain, I could make her understand.  The urge was overwhelming.  But God said, “No”.  For a long time, I didn’t understand why.  Now I do.  He wanted to set me free.

Think about a court trial for a moment.  No one gets set free during the trial.  The trial is a time of turmoil, of accusation (prosecution) and defense.  It’s not until the defense rests that a resolution can come about.  After the defense rests, the facts are considered, a decision is reached and the accused is either convicted or found not guilty and set free.

The Bible tells us that we have an advocate (lawyer) who argues our case before the Only Judge (Father God).  His name is Jesus.  It is through Him we are justified (just as if I’d never sinned).  We are told in John 8:36 “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”.  So why don’t we feel set free?  I think it’s because we keep ourselves in the turmoil of the trial by constantly defending our words and actions to others, our thoughts and intents to ourselves and our motives to God.

I could have responded to Marie’s letter.  I could have explained.  I could have justified.  I could have defended and the prosecution would have sent a rebuttal and I’d have to defend some more.  I thank God for His wisdom in not allowing me to respond.  I needed to let the defense rest so He could set me free.

I read a poem over 30 years ago by BJ Hoff that illustrates this point.  I remember it still today.  “It matters not if the world has heard or approves or understands …the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.”

Letting the defense rest, Raelynn

Monday, July 8, 2013

Says Who?

July 8, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray that you are walking humbly with one another and with your God.

Today I want to talk to you about “Says Who?”  A few days ago, I was driving down the street and I heard the Lord whisper in my spirit, “Put your seatbelt on”.  I usually only wear my seatbelt if I’m going on the freeway.  I figure that by the time I get my seatbelt on, I’ll be there already if I’m just going from point A to point B in town, so it’s really not necessary.  As soon as I heard the Lord’s instructions, though, I complied and thought to myself, “Thank you Lord.  There must be an accident or a policeman ahead.  You’re watching out for me.”  
No sooner had I completed this thought than the Lord spoke to me again and said, “How can you serve me when you won’t even obey the law.  You’re just being stubborn and lazy.”  Ouch!  With my belt clicked securely in place and my head hung in shame, I acknowledged the truth of the reprimand I’d just received.  You know what’s worse?  I could’ve avoided the spanking altogether.

You see, every time I get into the car with one of my granddaughters, she’ll say to me, “Grandma, you forgot your seatbelt” and I always answer, “I’m a grown up.  It’s not your place to tell me what to do.”  Now I’d received the very same message coming from a different source.  If I’d listened to the child, I’d not have been scolded by the Father.

Why is it that we respond differently to advice, criticism and instruction based upon who is giving it?  Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to receive instruction from one much younger than yourself?  
Have you noticed that when the words come from
your best friend you call it advice, but the same words from a spouse or sibling are viewed as criticism?  The reason, my friends, is pride, and it’s one of the things God hates most.

The next time something is spoken to me and my pride wells up and says “Oh yeah, says who?”  I’m going to tell it, “It doesn’t matter.”  The message is the message.  It should not matter who God is using to deliver it.

Every word that is spoken to us should be judged not by whose mouth it leaves, but by whether it lines up with the Word of God.  If it doesn’t, reject it.  But if it does, we’d be wise to heed it, regardless of the source.

The wounds of a friend are faithful, the Proverb tells us, and so are those of a spouse, parent, sibling or a grandchild.  Lord, help me to learn from these before you have to teach me the lesson yourself.

Hopefully more humble, your sister Raelynn

Monday, July 1, 2013

Christian Flu

July 1, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray you see the good in others and overlook the bad.  Love covers a multitude of sins.

Today I want to talk about “Christian Flu”.  I’m sure you’ve heard of the swine Flu and the Bird Flu, but I doubt you’ve ever heard of the Christian Flu.  That’s because I just made it up to illustrate a point.

I caught the flu this year along with 40% of the
people living in the United States.  I did my best to avoid it.  I was inoculated against it, washed my hands regularly, stayed away from people who were sick and tried to boost my immune system.  I caught it anyway.  How do you catch the flu?  You are surrounded by so many sick people and germs everywhere you go that no matter how strong your defenses, you eventually succumb to it.

If you are like me, you have had such a personal experience with Jesus Christ (have been miraculously healed and provided for, have had sin forgiven, have been given joy, peace and purpose) that you want everyone you love to experience it too.  If you’re like me, you’ve probably asked these people to church, bought them Bibles, bombarded them with books and teachings that have blessed you, all with less than the desired effect.

I’ve come to learn that a desire for Christ is more caught than taught.  The key to leading loved ones into a relationship with Christ is to be a Christian Flu.  There needs to be so many Christians out there spreading the love of Christ that no matter where the non-believer goes, he is surrounded by it.  Even if he’s stayed away from the things of God, washed his hands of Him, tried to inoculate himself against Christianity or build up an immunity to it, the love of Christ is so prevalent he ends up “catching” it anyway.

Baseball coaches have encouraged their players to “be the ball”.  I want to encourage you, beloved ones, to “be the flu”.  Infect those around you with the love of Christ and a desire for Him.  If they are surrounded by it, despite their best efforts to the contrary, they can’t help but succumb to it.

Doing my part to start an epidemic, Raelynn