Monday, August 12, 2013

The best part

August 12, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

            I pray that your heart sings even when your mouth can’t and your life shouts the praises of God.

           Today I want to talk to you about “the best part”.  Recently I spent a Saturday with my granddaughter, Sierra.  We went out for breakfast, checked out my office, went to a movie, went yard-saling, went out to lunch, went to a craft show, went shopping, came home and watched videos, made brownies, got showers then wound down for bed.  As I was tucking her in, I asked if she had fun.  “It was fun, grandma,” she answered.  “But do you know what the best part was?”  “What was the best part?” I asked.  “Painting each other’s toenails after our showers”, she answered.  “Really?  

Out of everything we did? Why was that?” “Because it was just you and me doing something for each other”, she answered.  And I realized that while I was trying to plan a fun-filled day, all she wanted was some personal interaction with her grandma.

            I imagine Jesus often feels as Sierra did.  I recall a story in Luke 10:38-42 where He went to spend the day with Mary and Martha.  Martha was busy serving and preparing and trying to make everything perfect for the Master, while Mary sat at His feet and visited with Him.  When Martha complained that Mary wouldn’t help her, Jesus said, “Martha, you’re busy about many things, but Mary has chosen the best part.”

           Is the best part of your day simply spending time with Jesus, beloved ones?  I honestly believe that when we make time to personally interact with Him, it’s the best part of His.  Don’t let your busy life cause you to settle for second-best – personal, quality time is always the best part.  I’m striving for more of it with my granddaughters, but more importantly with my Lord.

Wanting only the best for you, Raelynn

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