Monday, May 26, 2014

Trust Fall

May 26, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that you take time today to enjoy all of life’s little joys, blessings and hidden surprises – they are God’s gift to you.
     Today I want to talk to you about “Trust Fall”.  It
gained popularity in an advertising firm in the ‘80’s – the trust fall.  A CEO trying to build teamwork wanted to show his executives that they could trust in and rely upon each other, so one by one he had them close their eyes and fall backward into the arms of one of their co-workers.  Most of the time the exercise went as planned, but sometimes the ‘faller’ would catch himself, not trusting his co-worker to catch him.  At other times, the person falling would be too heavy for the catcher, or the catcher would be standing just a little too far back and miss catching the one who was falling.
    Do you ever feel like you are clinging so tightly to your salvation or are clutching your faith for all you’re worth so you won’t fall?  Let go.  Jesus is well able to keep you from falling and if you do, He is right there to catch you.  His arms are strong enough to support you and He is always near enough to rescue you.
    You can trust Jesus, beloved ones.  The more time you
spend in His presence and in His word, the more you will know Him.  The more you know Him, the more you will trust Him.  Your salvation and faith are precious gifts from God, but you don’t need to hold on to them so tightly because Jesus tightly holds on to you.
    Would I take part in a human trust-fall?  Probably not.  The CEO had a good concept but he was using the wrong catcher.  Allow yourself to fall into the arms of Jesus.  There’s no safer place to be.

Trusting Him more each day – Your sister in Christ, Raelynn

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Meeting Place

May 19, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that with every blessing you receive today, you become one to someone else.
    Today I want to talk to you about “The Meeting Place”.   For centuries, churches have been referred to as meeting places.  People would put on their “Sunday-go-to-meetin’” clothes.  This description originated during the time of the Israelite’s exodus from Egypt.  They’d carry with them a tent that they’d erect every place they’d camp.  It contained altars,
lavers, holy instruments and the Ark of the Covenant.  It was called the “tabernacle of meeting” because it’s where the people went to meet God.  The tabernacle was a place of sacrifice, forgiveness of sins, and worship.  Moses went there to get divine direction from God.  God’s presence resided there.  It could be seen visibly in the form of a cloud.
    How our churches today have strayed from that tabernacle of meeting!  They are meeting places alright, but the majority of the people attending are not going there to meet God.  Nowadays, people go to church to meet their next spouse, meet their friends to catch up on their week, get their physical needs met, or to meet someone else’s expectations of them.

Monday, May 12, 2014

You bet your Life

May 12, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that as you live in the here and now you have an eye on eternity.
    Today I want to talk to you about “You bet your Life”.   Last summer my mom and I went on vacation to Laughlin, Nevada.  We spent four days at Harrah’s hotel and casino.  We both worked hard and saved up money so we could just go blow it and have fun without worrying about anything.  And we did.  It was a blast.
    Even as a sold-out follower of Christ, I’ve never
really believed that gambling was evil unless you had a problem with it.  As long as you weren’t betting the rent money, I saw it the same as going to a movie and buying a drink and popcorn:  the money’s gone, but you got entertainment out of it.
   It was a 5 ½ hour drive from my house to Laughlin, so I read to my mom as she drove.  The book I was reading was Coming Home to Jesus from the Unreal World by K.P. Yohannan (the founder of Gospel for Asia).  I had a great time in Laughlin, but as I looked around me, I kept hearing KP’s words, “If one of every 250 Christians gave $1 a day the whole world would be evangelized”.  I saw $100 swept away with one spin of a roulette wheel.  I saw people plug $20 after $20 into machines and spin it away.  I was doing it myself, and I thought of all the money just thrown away in one day in one casino in one city in America.  Which led to my next thought: “If all the money lost in just one day in each casino across America were given to world missions, I bet the whole world could be reached for Christ.”  It was a sobering thought.
    I’m not writing this to make anyone feel
guilty for how they spend their money, but I’ve just been made aware that I could be a much better steward with mine.  I was not betting my life, but that of others.  How many souls could have been saved with the money I had just thrown away for my own entertainment?  How many of us think about all the lost souls out there in this way at all?  I never had before.
    Eternity shouldn’t be a crap-shoot.  Let’s secure our own, then through good stewardship try to help secure it for others.  Will I be returning to Laughlin any time soon?  I wouldn’t bet on it.

More aware, your Sister in Christ, Raelynn

Monday, May 5, 2014

Witnesses unto Me

May 5, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that you are drawing ever nearer to your Lord and are watching for His return.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Witnesses unto
Me”.  Acts 1:8 says, “But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”     What is a witness?   It is someone who has seen something with his own eyes, heard something with his own ears, experienced something first hand.
    God breathes His Spirit into us when He created us.  He fills us again when we accept Christ.  But Jesus said in Acts 1:8, that we shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come UPON us (not in us).  This is something we must ask for.  Do you want a first-hand experience of God in your life?  We have not, because we ask not, our Bible tells us.