Monday, May 26, 2014

Trust Fall

May 26, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that you take time today to enjoy all of life’s little joys, blessings and hidden surprises – they are God’s gift to you.
     Today I want to talk to you about “Trust Fall”.  It
gained popularity in an advertising firm in the ‘80’s – the trust fall.  A CEO trying to build teamwork wanted to show his executives that they could trust in and rely upon each other, so one by one he had them close their eyes and fall backward into the arms of one of their co-workers.  Most of the time the exercise went as planned, but sometimes the ‘faller’ would catch himself, not trusting his co-worker to catch him.  At other times, the person falling would be too heavy for the catcher, or the catcher would be standing just a little too far back and miss catching the one who was falling.
    Do you ever feel like you are clinging so tightly to your salvation or are clutching your faith for all you’re worth so you won’t fall?  Let go.  Jesus is well able to keep you from falling and if you do, He is right there to catch you.  His arms are strong enough to support you and He is always near enough to rescue you.
    You can trust Jesus, beloved ones.  The more time you
spend in His presence and in His word, the more you will know Him.  The more you know Him, the more you will trust Him.  Your salvation and faith are precious gifts from God, but you don’t need to hold on to them so tightly because Jesus tightly holds on to you.
    Would I take part in a human trust-fall?  Probably not.  The CEO had a good concept but he was using the wrong catcher.  Allow yourself to fall into the arms of Jesus.  There’s no safer place to be.

Trusting Him more each day – Your sister in Christ, Raelynn

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