Monday, November 25, 2013

The Compartmentalized Christian

November 25, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
     I pray that your cup runneth over with every good and perfect gift from above.
     Today I want to talk to you about “The Compartmentalized Christian”.  Do you remember the Swanson TV dinners?  They came with molded trays neatly compartmentalizing each part of the dinner so the turkey didn’t touch the mashed potatoes, which didn’t touch the corn, which didn’t touch the chocolate brownie.  Each part of the dinner had its own little section.  With the exception of the baked apples which seemed to bubble up and ooze over its borders into the vegetables, none of the food ever touched one another.
  It’s sad to say that there are people who claim the name of Christ who are just like a Swanson dinner.  Their lives have separate sections for Jesus, home, work, recreation and relationships.  Each is neatly sectioned off and does not spill into another.  Co-workers have no idea that they are Christians, they often engage in relationships and recreation that are inappropriate for a follower of Christ, and don’t incorporated Him into their daily home life.  They are Compartmentalized Christians.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Legacy

November 18, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are allowing God’s life-changing truths to change your life.
     Today I want to talk to you about “the Legacy”.  The Sidewalk Prophets sing a song that starts with the following line:  “Sometimes I think, what will people say of me, when I’m only just a memory, when I’m home where my soul belongs?”  The thoughts, memories, teaching, wisdom, example you leave behind when you are gone is your legacy.

     Have you given any thought to what your legacy will be?  Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children forever…”  Why is it so important to read the Bible and be in church where we can hear the teaching of God’s word?  Because once the truths are revealed to us, they can never be taken away.  They are ours forever.  Once read, you can’t un-read something.  Once heard, you can’t un-hear it.  It becomes part of you.  But not to us only – the scriptures says it’s for our children, too.  God’s truths that are revealed to us become our legacy to our children and grandchildren.

Monday, November 11, 2013

All Your Need

November 11, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved ones,

     I pray that your faith is not in what you see, but in the Unseen God who sees and knows all.
      Today I want to talk to you about “All your Need”.  Phillipians 4:19 says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  This is one of the most quoted scriptures in the Bible.  Do you believe it?  Has God met all your need?  If not, it could be that you aren’t in need.

     We Americans know very little about need.  Did you know that I Timothy 6:8 says that we are to be content with having food and clothes?  Not a house, not a car that runs.  Everything else is extra – blessing bestowed upon us by God.  In fact, I’d go as far as to say that the majority of us, including myself, could be better described by James 5:5 “Ye have lived in pleasure on this earth and been wanton.  Ye have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter.”

Monday, November 4, 2013

Being Followed

November 4, 2012

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that when your life is in turmoil, those around you see the peace that passes all understanding.
     Today I want to talk to you about "Being Followed".  
Have you ever had car trouble and needed to go somewhere so you had someone follow you just in case you broke down on the way?  

     I was walking this morning and praying for a precious friend of mine who was in pain due to pushing his body beyond its limits and over-doing.  I told the Lord, "I know this pain is his own doing.  He brought it upon himself, but please touch him and take it away".  And the Lord responded, "Everyone's pain is their own doing.  You have brought your physical and emotional pains upon yourselves through sin, willfulness and pride.  That's why I give you mercy."
     Grace is getting something you don't deserve (like salvation and forgiveness).  Mercy is not getting something you do deserve (like eternity in Hell).