Monday, November 18, 2013

The Legacy

November 18, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are allowing God’s life-changing truths to change your life.
     Today I want to talk to you about “the Legacy”.  The Sidewalk Prophets sing a song that starts with the following line:  “Sometimes I think, what will people say of me, when I’m only just a memory, when I’m home where my soul belongs?”  The thoughts, memories, teaching, wisdom, example you leave behind when you are gone is your legacy.

     Have you given any thought to what your legacy will be?  Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children forever…”  Why is it so important to read the Bible and be in church where we can hear the teaching of God’s word?  Because once the truths are revealed to us, they can never be taken away.  They are ours forever.  Once read, you can’t un-read something.  Once heard, you can’t un-hear it.  It becomes part of you.  But not to us only – the scriptures says it’s for our children, too.  God’s truths that are revealed to us become our legacy to our children and grandchildren.
     There’s only one catch to a will, inheritance, or legacy.  You can only leave behind the things you already possess.  I’d love to leave a nice house and new car to each of my kids and college trust funds for each of my grandkids.  But writing these things in a will would do no good.  I don’t have them to give.  That’s why Deuteronomy 29:29 says it’s only the things which have been revealed to us that can belong to our children forever.

     Wouldn’t you love to leave the security of eternal life in Heaven, the assurance of forgiven sins, the confidence of the Lord’s constant presence and the warmth of His unconditional love behind for your loved ones when you leave this earth?  These things have to be revealed to you before you can pass them on.  You have to possess them before you can bequeath them.
     What legacy are you leaving behind, beloved ones?  If it’s only the temporary things of this earth, you are doing your children and grandchildren a disservice.  Get the eternal things – the life-giving truths of God’s word now while you are still able.  Ask God to reveal how they personally relate to your life here on this earth and share what He shows you with those you love.  Leave them a legacy worth receiving.  Leave them Jesus.

     What will people say of me when I’m only just a memory?  My desire is that they will say, “She loved Jesus”.  
Your sister in Christ, Raelynn

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