Monday, November 25, 2013

The Compartmentalized Christian

November 25, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
     I pray that your cup runneth over with every good and perfect gift from above.
     Today I want to talk to you about “The Compartmentalized Christian”.  Do you remember the Swanson TV dinners?  They came with molded trays neatly compartmentalizing each part of the dinner so the turkey didn’t touch the mashed potatoes, which didn’t touch the corn, which didn’t touch the chocolate brownie.  Each part of the dinner had its own little section.  With the exception of the baked apples which seemed to bubble up and ooze over its borders into the vegetables, none of the food ever touched one another.
  It’s sad to say that there are people who claim the name of Christ who are just like a Swanson dinner.  Their lives have separate sections for Jesus, home, work, recreation and relationships.  Each is neatly sectioned off and does not spill into another.  Co-workers have no idea that they are Christians, they often engage in relationships and recreation that are inappropriate for a follower of Christ, and don’t incorporated Him into their daily home life.  They are Compartmentalized Christians.

     Beloved, if your relationship with Christ is small enough to fit neatly into a compartment of your life, it’s got some growing to do.  The more we interact with Him, feel His love and faithfulness, experience His provision and protection, the more room you’ll want to make for Him in your life.  The more room you make for Christ in your life, the more excited about Him you will become until one day He will bubble up in your life and spill into the other sections just like the baked apples in a Swanson dinner.  Before you know it, Christ will permeate every area of your life and instead of a Swanson dinner, your life will more resemble a Shepherd’s pie (pun intended).
     Don’t relegate Christ to a small section of your life, beloved ones.  True joy comes when He becomes your life – when in Him you live and move and have your being.  Don’t settle for a TV dinner life, my friends.  Let Jesus invite you to His banqueting table.  Expand His borders in your life and leave the compartments behind.

Love in Christ,  Raelynn

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