Monday, December 2, 2013

No Shower Necessary

December 2, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
     I pray that your ears are tuned to the still small voice and your feet are quick to follow it.
     Today I want to talk to you about “No Shower Necessary”.  In John Chapter 10 we find the account of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet.  Peter, appalled that the master (whom he’d earlier identified as the Son of God) should do something as menial as washing his feet, told Jesus not to.  Jesus responded that if Peter wouldn’t let Him wash his feet, he could have no part of Him.  Peter wanted so much of Christ in his life that he cried out, “then wash my hands and my head, too!”  To this Jesus answered, “If you’ve already been washed, you are already clean.  Only your feet need to be washed.”

     Jesus and His disciples lived in a desert.  They wore only sandals or went barefoot.  If they’d bathed when they got up that morning, they were clean enough, but their feet would have picked up all the dust and grime from the ground on which they walked.  So only their feet needed to be cleaned.

     I John 1:7 tells us that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.  If you’ve accepted the sacrifice Jesus made for you on the cross, you are clean, beloved.  No shower necessary.  But like Jesus and His disciples, we daily walk through an unclean world.  We are bound to get the grime on us.  Jesus had told Peter that if he did not allow the Son of God to wash the dirt away, he’d have no part of Him.  The same is true of us.  Ephesians 5:5 says that no unclean person has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

     But we don’t have to get saved again every time we sin.  He cleansed us once.  That is enough.  All we need to do is let Him wash our feet (remove the grime we’ve accumulated through contact with this world in which we live) by repenting our sins.
     Jesus’ lesson to Peter is one to us as well.  If you’ve accepted Christ, there is no shower necessary.  You are already clean.  But if you want to have a part in Him and in His kingdom, daily footbaths are required.

Keeping it clean – your sister, Raelynn

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