Monday, December 16, 2013

HALT, in the name of the Lord!

December 16, 2013
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that you are walking hand-in-hand with the Lord, not running ahead of Him nor struggling to catch up.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Halt, in the name of the Lord!”  Ephesians 6:11
encourages us to put on the whole armor of God that we may stand against the wiles of the devil.  The word “wiles” in the Greek means “methods, trickery, or to lie in wait”.
    Have you ever wondered how a magician does his tricks?  Most of the time he uses misdirection.  He’ll get you focused on one thing so you won’t notice what he’s doing in another area.  Satan uses the same methods and trickery, but he will be less effective if we know where to be watching.

    Satan knows that if he can distract us with being 
Lonely, or 

he can trip us up.  During these times,we are more likely to sin in word, thought or deed.  When we feel ourselves getting 
Lonely, or 

we need to Halt, in the name of the Lord and be watching because we know the enemy is lying in wait to catch us off guard.
    I Peter 5:8 tells us to be vigilant for our adversary the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  Don’t let him devour you, beloved ones.  Halt, in the name of the Lord, so you won’t be distracted when you are not physically or emotionally at your best.  The trick doesn’t work if you know where to watch!
More aware,  Raelynn

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