Monday, December 23, 2013

Provision Without

December 23, 2013
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray that when troubles beset you, you are running into the arms of God.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Provision Without”.  If you are a believer in Christ or have been receiving my letters for any length of time, you should know by now that God has provided every possible need for His children who love Him:  salvation, physical needs, forgiveness, restoration – you name it.  It is ours for the asking.  But what about those who don’t know God personally, who haven’t accepted Christ or been taught of Him.  Is there provision for them too?

    Of course, there is.  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, our Bible tells us.  In Deuteronomy 4:41-43 we see Moses setting aside cities of refuge outside the Promised Land.  God’s chosen people would inhabit the Promised Land and they’d have their own cities of refuge to which they could flee, but God also established provision without.  The three cities were Golan in Bashan, Bezer in the wilderness and Ramoth in Gilead.  These cities were intended for anyone who committed a crime unintentionally that was punishable by death to flee to so they could plead their case and be saved.
    The name Golan in Hebrew means “captive”.  Bezer means “inaccessible” and Ramoth means “heights”.  Do you know anyone without a personal relationship with God who is captive to drugs, alcohol, anger, sexual sin, etc.?  Do you know anyone who feels they aren’t good enough to even approach God – that He doesn’t hear their prayers or is otherwise inaccessible to them?  Do you know any who are so puffed up with pride and self-importance that they think they don’t need God?  There is provision without for these, beloved ones.
    It falls to those of us who know that God is our refuge and strength and a very present help in times of trouble to show these where they can flee.  The wages of sin is death, Romans 6:23 tells us.  We are all guilty and deserve the death penalty.  But Jesus said of those who knew Him not, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”  The cities of refuge outside the Promised Land were designated for such as these.
    David said in Psalm 62:8, “Trust in Him at all times ye people.  Pour out your heart before Him.  God is a refuge for us.”  Anyone who unintentionally sins or sins because they don’t know God can run to Him, plead their case and receive refuge.  He’s made the provision within and without.

Knowing where to run – your sister, Raelynn

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