Monday, February 17, 2014


February 17, 2014
Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
    I pray your eyes are on the sky, for your redemption draweth nigh.
    Today I want to talk to you about “Invaluable”.  At my mom’s last yard sale, she had an old plate marked for $3.00.  Out of curiosity, my uncle looked up the plate on the internet and found that the exact same plate was currently selling on Ebay for $49.95.  Mom re-marked the plate for $20 and set it upon the Ebay printout.
    What determines value?  In our economic society, value is determined by what someone is willing to pay for a particular item.  If an item is so valuable that there is not enough money to put a price on it, it is determined to be “invaluable”.

    People are valued in the same way.  I know so many people who think their value comes from what they can provide, contribute, do or otherwise bring to the table.  If they lose their job, they feel they’ve lost their value.  If they can’t meet someone else’s every need, they feel they are of little worth.  None of these things determine your value, beloved ones.
    You are bought with a price, our Bible tells us.  That price was the blood of Jesus Christ.  There was not enough money in this world to purchase you, only His blood would do.  And it was while we were yet sinners that Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).  Whether you have accepted Christ as your savior, are whole-heartedly
serving Him, have had Him on the back burner of your life, or have never even been introduced to Him – you are valued at a price too high to be purchased with money.  You are invaluable.  
    Be like the plate in mom’s yard sale, beloved ones.  Re-mark yourselves with your true value and know that value comes from Christ.

Knowing my value and yours - Raelynn

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