Monday, February 10, 2014

The lens of grace

May 20, 2013

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray your souls are being watered and like godly plants are reaching toward the Son.

Today I want to talk to you about “the lens of grace”.  Do you ever wonder how God sees you?  I guarantee He doesn’t see you the way you do.  God looks at you through the lens of grace.

A prime example is found in II Peter 2:8,9 where God (through Peter) says that He delivered “righteous” Lot, that he was a “righteous” man who had a “righteous” soul.  God is talking about the same Lot who chose to live in one of the wickedest cities in the world at that time – Sodom.  Lot, who dwelled in the city’s gates (was part of their government), who offered up his virgin daughter to a mob who would abuse her, and who, when the angels tried to get him to leave Sodom, dawdled, made excuses and had to be led out of the city by the hand to avoid destruction.  This Lot God saw as righteous.  How is that possible?  God was looking through the lens of grace.

Lot had a relationship with God.  He left Haran with Abram for a place God would show them.  He saw God’s faithfulness and provision along the journey.  He believed.  And that, beloved ones, is the pre-requisite for being viewed through the lens of grace.

God knows your faults.  He sees all you do, the choices you make.  Like Lot, they aren’t always the right or best choices.  But instead of looking at you through critical, harsh, unforgiving, judging eyes, He sees that in spite of your failings you believe, so He chooses to see you as a righteous person with a righteous soul through the lens of grace.

Aren’t you thankful God doesn’t see you with the same eyes you use to see yourself?  Don’t mistake me – this is not license to live any way you want because you believe.  Romans 6:1,2 says, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?  God forbid.”  As we strive to live in a manner pleasing to God, when we miss the mark, our loving God looks at us through the lens of grace and calls us righteous anyway.  Now that’s amazing grace!

Striving to see others through that same lens,

Your sister in Christ, Raelynn

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