Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Broken Wings

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you choose the narrow path that leads to life.

      Today I want to talk to you about “Broken Wings”.
  I’d like to share a quote by Drs. Jerry and Carol Robeson.
  “Prayer and the Word of God are like the two wings of a bird.  With only one wing, the bird would fly in circles.  With both intact, the bird flies directly to his destination."

     Do you ever feel like you are flying around in circles?  Perhaps you’ve got a broken wing.  Are you praying for the needs of others and for God’s will and direction in your life?  Maybe that wing is strong and it’s the other that is damaged.  Are you ingesting the truths of God’s Word on a regular basis and standing upon His promises?

     How does a baby bird learn how to fly?  Its mother pushes it out of the nest and it flaps its weak little wings until they strengthen enough to support and lift him.  How’s your altitude, beloved ones?  Would like to be flying a little higher?  Then you’ve got to strengthen the wings of prayer and the Word of God in your life.

   Don’t fly around in circles, my friends.  Fly straight and high on strong wings to the destination your Father has prepared for you.

On a wing and a prayer, Raelynn


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