Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Step by Step

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that when the weight of the world tries to bow your shoulders, you choose to bow your head and bend your knee.
     Today I want to talk to you about "Step by Step".  Right after I was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, I was in a church service where a message was given in tongues.  Immediately, in my mind I heard the words, Thus saith the Lord.  I thought, "The Lord is giving me the interpretation of the message", and I waited for the rest to come.  And I waited.  And I waited.  Finally, I heard, Thus saith the Lord again.  I knew I was supposed to speak it out, but where was the rest?  I'd feel foolish if I said only that and nothing else, so I chose not to speak at all.  After the service, the Pastor came to me and said, "The Lord showed me He gave you the interpretation.  Why didn't you share it?"  I explained that I only had a few words and I was waiting for the rest.  The Pastor explained that when we've been found faithful with little, God will give us much.  The next week in service, the same thing happened and I heard Thus saith the Lord in my spirit and I silently pleaded with God to give it to someone else.  But when He repeated those 4 words again, I stood up and opened my mouth and out came, "Thus saith the Lord" followed by several sentences I didn't know I was going to say.  I found out later that the message ministered to several in the congregationwho needed to hear that exact word from the Lord.
     Psalm 119:105 says, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."  The lamps used in those times were shallow clay bowls into which oil was poured and a wick was set that gave off just enough light on a dark, moonless night to illuminate the spot right in front of your foot where you would take your next step so you'd not step in a hole or stumble. 
     How much easier it would be to use a floodlight to navigate dark paths with, to be given a full message before you opened your mouth, or to know God's 5-year plan for your life.  But the Lord knows that if we knew everything that was to happen before it did, we'd probably not follow the path He's chosen.  In His wisdom, He chooses to lead us step by step.  That's why it says in Matthew 6:34 to take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself.
     Let God's Word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path, beloved ones.  Let it lead you step by step through this Christian walk.  If we are faithful to take one step, He will illuminate the next. 

Walking in the light as He is in the light,  Raelynn

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