Saturday, August 2, 2014

One Man's Trash

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray that you have more blessings than breath to count them all.

     Today I want to talk to you about "One Man's Trash..."  We live in a throw-away society.  In your grandfather's day, if something broke he would fix it.  He'd spend whatever time, effort and money was required to make it work again.  Not so today.  Today if it breaks, you throw it away and get a new one.  And I'm not just talking about things...this trend seems to apply to people and relationships as well.
     Do you know what the leading cause of depression is today?  It is feeling like you have no value and no purpose; broken people who have been discarded; people broken by circumstances, broken by wrong paths they've taken who can't find their way back.

     I have been broken, my friends.  Since February 2000, I have had the love of my life die, became estranged from both of my children, lost a business, had a home foreclosed on, gone bankrupt, seen my credit score drop from 798 to 400, lived in an apartment with cockroaches where shootings are commonplace and people urinate in the elevator, had my car grafitti'd, and become divorced after 10 years of marriage to a man who had been unfaithful to me while I supported him financially for 5 of those 10 years.  To top it all off, I discovered that he never loved me to start with - he loved what I was able to do for him.  I felt used, broken and discarded.  Have you been there?  Are you there now?  
     Don't despair may friends.  Jesus takes the broken people the world has discarded and fashions them into something beautiful, something of value, something useful.  One man's trash is Jesus' treasure.
     Today I feel beautiful.  I feel valuable.  Today I am being used to encourage others.  Jesus has picked up the broken pieces of my life, brought restoration and healing and has given me a purpose.  He can do the same for you.
     Jesus is more than a Sunday School lesson.  He is more than a man who lived in Bible times.  He is the creator of the universe, the One who loves you so much He gave His own life for you.  He is the One who ate with sinners, who heals the broken, who gives new life, purpose and value.  You need only to believe that He is God and cares for you and allow Him to pick up the broken pieces of your life.

     Let Jesus fix you today, my broken ones.  I can't wait to see the beautiful vessel he will fashion you into and the purpose He will give to your life.  You may feel discarded but you are much loved and you are a treasure in the hands of Jesus!

Renewed in Christ and walking daily in His love, Raelynn

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