Saturday, August 9, 2014

Famine Fighters

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that God’s blessings upon you are so abundant that you have no choice but to share the overflow.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Famine Fighters”.  Look around you.  We are in the midst of a severe famine.  People all around us are starving, wasting away and dying.  I’m not referring to a lack of food.  I’m referring to the famine of Amos 8:11.  “Behold, the days come saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.”  The time has come – it is now.

     Our world is starving for the Gospel, the good news that God loves them and gave His only son, Jesus, to die for them that they might have life and that more abundantly.  Without this vital information, their souls starve, their lives are wasted and they die to spend an eternity in Hell.

     What causes famine?  Famine is not caused because people won’t eat.  It’s caused by lack of food.  A recent poll indicated that only 15% of Evangelical Christians will share the Word of God.  I don’t know which is more shocking – the 15% or the fact that they claim to be Evangelical Christians!  The word “evangelical/evangelist/evangelism” means to share the good news, or preach the Gospel.  Yet only 15% of those who have the life giving sustenance ever share it with another person.

     We need to come to the place, my friends, where we are more concerned about people dying and going to Hell than we are about being called a Bible Thumper or a Holy Roller.  You don’t have to be a theologian, have tons of scripture memorized or be an eloquent speaker to share the Gospel.  You’d be surprised how many people out there simply need to hear that God loves them.  They need to know He loves them just the way they are, but too much to leave them that way.

     Paul encouraged Timothy to “Watch in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of the evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry”. (2 Timothy 4:5)  Be a famine fighter, beloved one.  Share the good news.  Give a starving world the words of Life:  God loves you.  He sent His Son to save you.  You can have a life of purpose.”  Share Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Stretching the 15% - Raelynn

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raelynn, this is Terri. I'd like to send you a thank you card. Could you please email me your address at Thanks so much :)
