Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Change of Clothes

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

I pray that each day brings you nearer to your God and that when people see you they know that you've been in His presence.

     Today I want to talk to you about, "A Change of Clothes".  How often do you change clothes?  You might change from church clothes to play clothes; from casual clothes to a work uniform; from day wear to dressier evening wear.  You change clothes when the ones you are wearing are no longer suitable or appropriate for an event or
occasion.  The clothes don't change themselves - we have to make the effort, take the time, and remove the old outfit to put on a new one.

     I think it's not a coincidence that Isaiah 61:3 tells us to "put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."  When we are feeling sad, depressed, worried, or otherwise "heavy" in our spirits, it's time to change clothes.  Worry, sadness and depression are not suitable and appropriate attire for a believer.  When we notice them settling upon us, trying to clothe us, we need to make the effort and take the time to put on the garment of praise so the spirit of heaviness can be taken off.
     Have you ever tried to worry and praise God at the same time?  Have you been able to stay depressed while worshiping God?  It's natural to worry or be sad from time to time.  But when these feelings start to envelop you and you start wearing them wherever you go, it's time for a wardrobe change.  Go into your closet (or other quiet place) and begin to sign praises to God.  Audibly thank Him for your salvation and each subsequent thing He has blessed you with.  Worry won't be able to stay.  Sadness will have to flee.
 You'll enter your closet in one outfit and leave it wearing a more appropriate one - a garment of praise!

     Praise is warm and comfortable.  It never goes out of style.  In fact, it will be all they wear throughout eternity in Heaven.  And the garment of praise always fits.  As you grow in the Lord, your praise will grow right along with you.

     Lord, thank you for giving us a change of clothes that is appropriate for one who follows you to wear out in public.  Help us to be motivated to change clothes as often as we need to.

Striving to make the best-dressed list, Raelynn

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