Wednesday, August 20, 2014

An Everyday Hiro

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

 I pray that the miracle of life, the miracle of birth, and the miracle of nature cause you to stand in awe of our God.

     Today I want to talk to you about “An Everyday Hiro”.  There was a TV series a few years ago that I really enjoyed watching called Heroes.  It was about everyday people with extraordinary abilities.  One, a Japanese
young man named Hiro, was able to teleport by bending time and space.  As I watched the show, the thought was always in the back of my mind, “Wouldn’t it be great if someone could really do this?”  And then I learned about someone who could. We have an everyday Hiro in our midst.

     In Joshua 10:12-14 we see that God caused the earth to stop rotating for a whole day. In 2 Kings 6:6 a metal axe head floated on water.  In Numbers 22:23-30 a donkey spoke.  In Daniel 3:23-27 a fish coughed up tax money and in Acts 8:39-40 a man was instantly teleported 20 miles.  These were real events that happened in the lives of real people. Who was the everyday Hiro who did all these things?  The Hebrews called Him El Oseh Phela (the God who works wonders) and El Shaddai (God Almighty).

     Today I want to help you see that God’s power over creation is absolute.  The God who created the laws of nature can use, bend or change those laws at will in order to accomplish His purposes.  He did all those miracles in Biblical times and He continues to do wonders today.

     In January 1995 my son was badly hurt on Mount Lemmon in a sledding accident.  He had a broken nose, broken jaw, broken collar bone and a broken rib that had punctured a lung.  He was airlifted to Tucson Medical Center where they cut off his clothes and rushed him in to x-ray.  Twenty minutes later the doctor came out and told me there was nothing wrong with my son but the scratches on his face.  The x-rays, he told me, showed evidence of old injuries to his nose, jaw, collarbone and ribs that had been long healed.  Two different paramedics had checked my son on that mountain and had determined that his injuries warranted the helicopter.  Yet my son walked out of that ER without even a bump on his nose!  That’s the power of God Almighty – The One Who Works Wonders!  Not in the 1st century, but in the 20th!

   Since then, I’ve seen cancers disappear, jobs materialize out of nowhere, people set free from the terrible bondage of drugs and alcohol – and I realize what a poor example of the miraculous Heroes was compared to the real thing.

     Put your trust in El Oseh Phela, El Shaddai, beloved ones.  He’s an everyday Hiro that will move Heaven and Earth for you.  Literally.

In the service of the Almighty, Raelynn

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