Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Chip Off The Old Block

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
      I pray that you are not comparing yourself to other imperfect humans, but that your measuring stick is Christ.

    Today I want to talk to you about “A Chip off the Old Block”.  Michelangelo was once asked how he chose what to sculpt from each block of material he used.  He answered, “The image was always there.  I just had to free it from all the extra parts.”  Did you know that you are like a Michelangelo sculpture, beloved one?  

     Romans 8:29 says that it is our destiny to be conformed to the image of Christ and that God foreknew that’s what we should be.  Just as Michelangelo looked at a block of marble and saw David or The Thinker while it was just a rock, God looked at you and I and saw Jesus.

     It would take much sculpting and chipping away of all the extra pieces for the marble to start to resemble the statue that Michelangelo saw in his mind’s eye.  But in time, under his patient hand, the image would begin to emerge and ultimately his vision would become reality.  In the same way, God chips away at our selfishness, pride and flesh until everything that is not Christ-like is removed.  He uses circumstances, His Word, other people, whatever chisel works best to remove those pieces that do not belong.  This work will continue while we live on this earth, but I John 3:2 assures us that while it does not yet appear what we shall be, when Jesus appears, we shall be like Him.

     When someone closely resembles his father, he is said to be a “chip off the old block”.  Jesus said, “When you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.”  As you are being
conformed into the image of Christ, you are becoming more than a masterpiece, beloved ones.  You’re becoming a chip off the old block.
     Sculpt me and make me, Oh Lord, into the image you foreknew.  Let the chips fall as You will.

A work in progress,  Raelynn

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