Saturday, August 30, 2014

Incredible Credibility

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that with every day you are more certain of what and in whom you believe and are certain that He believes in you.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Incredible Credibility”.  What gives someone or something credibility?  Credibility comes when that which is professed is able to be proven time and time again.  Today the credibility of the Bible is under attack.  Respected theologians are purporting that the Bible has undergone so many changes since it was written that if Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were to read their Gospels they wouldn’t recognize their own words.  Is this true?  Is the Bible still credible today?

    Did you know that there are over 103 predictions concerning the coming Messiah in the Old  Testament that were each fulfilled by Jesus at His first coming?  These include His lineage, where He’d be born, what His name was to be, and the fact that He would die to save the world from their sins.  Psalms 22 prophesies Jesus’ death by crucifixion – a method of capital punishment that would not even be invented until 800 years after the Psalms were written.  Each of these predictions were professions proven true time and time again by the birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ.  The Bible is incredibly credible.

     And here is the amazing thing: 
There are twice as many predictions in the Bible regarding the second coming of Christ as there were the first.  If all the predictions regarding Christ’s first coming to earth have been fulfilled and proven to be true, we can know that all the predictions for His second coming are just as valid and will also be fulfilled and proven to be true.

     In Revelation 22 (the last chapter of God’s great love letter to us), He says three times, “Behold, I come quickly.”  Are you living like you believe Jesus is coming quickly, beloved ones?   Despite the best efforts to discredit the Word of God, it has been proven time and time again to be true.  Jesus is coming again. He is coming quickly.  Let’s make sure we are ready when that day comes.

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus – your servant, Raelynn

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