Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray all life’s finest blessings upon you and the grace to truly appreciate them.

     Today I want to talk to you about “An Attitude of Gratitude”.

  How do you say “Thank you” for the really big things in life?  Like when a fireman rushes into a burning building to save your child, a
stranger gives one of his kidneys because yours are failing, or a father gives His only son to die so that every mistake you will ever make can be swept away like it never happened?  There are times when “Thanks” just won’t cut it.

     The reward for the fireman and kidney donor is in knowing they saved a life.  What if after receiving the kidney, the recipient goes on to live the life of the alcoholic and dies of alcohol poisoning a year later?  How would the donor feel about giving up a kidney then?  How many times has the Father seen the lives He sacrificed His son for end prematurely through reckless living and end up in Hell anyway?

     In his song, Good to Be Alive, Jason Grey sings, “All I want is to give you a life well lived to say thank you.”  I know I can never repay the big things that have been done for me in my life, but I can live my life in a way that shows my gratitude.
  Every decision I make, every path I choose should reflect an attitude of gratitude for the sacrifice that was made for me.
     How do you say “thank you” for the really big things in life, beloved ones?  Live your life well.

Making the sacrifice count - Raelynn

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