Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray you know what you are called to be, what you are called to do and are operating in that calling.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Reflectors”.  Do you remember bicycle
reflectors they used to put in the spokes of bicycle wheels?  The purpose of these pieces of plastic was to reflect the headlights of cars so the bicycle would be more visible at night.  Did you know that like the plastic attached to bicycle wheels, you and I were created to be reflectors as well?  It’s true.

     People often ask, “Why were we created? What is our purpose for being?”  The more spiritual among us might answer, “To fellowship with God” or “To worship God”.  As noble as those answers may be, neither is correct.  God had perfect fellowship, perfect love, and perfect unity within the Trinity.  The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are complete.  God didn’t need us for fellowship.  He didn’t create us because He was lonely.  As for worship, it is the constant state of Heaven.  God was already surrounded by non-stop worship.  He didn’t need to create us to worship Him.  So why were we created, then?  Let me tell you what I believe.

     God looked out into the darkness of the void and thought “What a dreary place.  We need to brighten it up.”
  And because nothing is brighter than the glory of God, He decided to create reflectors of His glory.  Psalm 19:1 tells us the Heavens declare the glory of God.  We are also told in the Word that everything in the earth, everything above and everything beneath was created for His glory.  In Genesis 1:26, God said, “Let us make man in our image”.  The word “image” used here means “likeness as reflected in a mirror”.  All of creation including mankind was created to be a reflector of the glory of God.

     You know the rest of the story:  Sin entered in and creation went to Hell – literally.  Mankind no longer knows the reason he was created.  There are very few doing what they were created to do.  So how does one become the reflector he was created to be?  The first step is to acknowledge the Creator and His glory and that we are the creation whose purpose is to reflect His glory.  The second step is to accept the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to bring us back into right standing with the Father, giving ourselves and surrendering our will to serving Christ.  The final step is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us and empower us to reflect the glory of God in the darkness that surrounds us.

     Like the bike reflector was created to reflect a car’s headlights, we were created to reflect the glory of God in a dark and chaotic world.  Shine brightly my friends.  Be what you were created to be.

Reflecting the One True Light,  Raelynn

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