Saturday, September 6, 2014

Dazzlingly Brilliant

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that you are letting your light shine brightly so those in darkness might see the way.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Dazzlingly Brilliant”.  When you hear those words, what comes to mind?  For most people it’s a diamond.  Any jeweler will tell you that the beauty and value of a diamond is determined by the four “C’s”: carat, color, clarity and cut.  That’s because a
diamond gets its brilliance by allowing the maximum amount of light to be reflected and dispersed back through its facets.  Did you know that there is one thing more dazzlingly brilliant than any diamond?  Of course, it would be the One the diamond was patterned after – its creator, our God, the Everlasting Light.

     I John 1:5 tells us that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.  Isaiah 24:23 tells us that the moon is ashamed and the sun disgraced by the light the Lord radiates.
  In fact, God is so dazzlingly brilliant that no one can look upon Him and live!  He hid Moses in the cleft of a rock so he’d be shielded from the full force of His brilliance, yet when Moses came away his face shone from just its reflection!
     I did a study on the word “facet”.  It means face, surface, characteristic or attribute.  Did you know there are over 100 Hebrew names for God each describing one of His characteristics or attributes?  I honestly believe God has more characteristics and attributes than our vocabularies have words to describe them.  And like a diamond, it is all these facets that make God dazzlingly brilliant.  I wouldn’t be surprised if He created the diamond just so we could carry small reminders of Him around with us!  Is it a coincidence that diamonds are given as a pledge of everlasting love and fidelity?

     The Bible talks about a time when “the sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the Lord will be your Everlasting Light and your God will be your glory.” (Isaiah 60:19)  We don’t have to wait for that day beloved ones.  Behold His glory now.  Let Him hide you in the cleft of the Rock and gaze upon His dazzling brilliance and let its reflection shine upon your face for all the world to see.

He is truly this girl’s best friend - Raelynn

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