Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Money Talks

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,
     I pray your trust is in the Only One True God  for He alone can save.

     Today I want to talk to you about "Money Talks."  I'm sure you've heard the saying, "money talks".  It implies that if you have enough money, people will listen to what you have to say.  If you have enough money, you can call the shots; you'll be important; the world will be at your disposal. Money talks.  

     For this reason, people more often than not, put their trust in money.  They trust it to bring them opportunity, security, a life worth living.  The truth is: money is not trustworthy.  It has no power to do anything.  It is just a tool.  Did you know that pennies are no longer being minted in the US? That's because they cost more to make than they are worth.  They no longer are of any value.  Our dollar bill has also lost its value.  At one time in our history, every bill printed in the US was backed by its value in gold kept in Fort Knox.  That gold is long gone, given to other countries who refused our paper money to settle the debts our country owed them.  Our dollars today are not worth the paper they are printed on, yet people continue to trust in money.

     The truth, beloved ones, is that money does talk.  Have you read a US coin or bill lately?  It says, "In God We Trust".  Our money is screaming at us, "Don't trust in me!  I will fail you!  Trust in God!"  

     This world and everything in it will pass away.  Only God remains faithful and true and does not lose His value.  You can trust in Him.  He won't let you down.  Money talks, beloved ones.  The only question is:  Are we going to heed its advice?

Trusting in Him alone - Raelynn

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