Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Small Stuff

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that you are taking every care to the Lord and are leaving them all in His capable hands.

     Today I want to talk to you about “The Small Stuff”.  My mom has a saying that has ministered to me on many occasions throughout my life.  She says, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Everything is small stuff.”  Because I’m one who tends to freak out when things go wrong and make a mountain out of a molehill, this is really valuable advice.

     Hold your hand in front of you and look at your palm.  Now stretch your fingers as wide as they’ll go. 
With your hand stretched like that, look from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your pinkie.  That distance is the span of your hand.  Isaiah 40:12 says God holds the entire universe in the span of His hand.  To make the illustration easier, though, let’s say He has just our world in the span of His hand. 
Picture the world in the span of your own hand; picture the continents drawn on it as on a globe.  Now locate your continent and picture the United States of America with each state’s boundaries drawn as on a map.  Locate your state.  Locate your city, your neighborhood, your street, your house, your room, and finally, yourself.  How small has that speck gotten in the span of your hand?  Now in that speck, pinpoint your mind and the biggest issue or problem that is currently on your mind.  How big is it really?  Pretty small stuff, huh?  Now compare the size of that issue or problem to the size of the God who holds the entire universe between His pinkie and thumb.

     Our Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing.  Why?  Because compared to God, it’s all small stuff.  “Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Everything is small stuff.”  It’s the best advice my mom ever gave me.  I’m doing my best to follow it.

Keeping things in perspective - Raelynn

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