Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why Wait?

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are soaking up all of God’s blessings, for it is His joy to bless His people.

   Today I want to talk to you about “Why Wait?”  Over 10 years ago, the Lord gave me a series of children’s stories to write.  I knew they were from Him because it had never entered my mind to write children’s stories, the words came quickly and easily and they taught Biblical principles on a child’s level.  After completing them, I tried to get them illustrated and published to no avail.  I felt the Lord telling me to put them away and in His timing He would use them.  So after they’ve been sitting in my closet for over ten years, I’ve now been asked to send my stories to a local Christian orphanage where they will be read to the children living there and sent home with the families when the children are adopted.  Praise God! But why did I have to wait so long to use the gift God had given me?

     The Sunday came when the Christian Family Care organization had a table set up in the foyer of our church.  They had flyers of children who needed families.  I am not in a position to foster/adopt so I would normally walk right past the display without a second glance.  But my life has changed dramatically in the last two years and the Lord prompted me to take a flyer of each child to pray over.  This led to a conversation with the administrator which led to them asking for my stories.  Prior to this time in my life, I loved the Lord and had served him, but I’d never been moved to pray for homeless children.  I was more focused on making a marriage work, on my job and on finances or the lack thereof.  It was not until I was spiritually available to the Lord’s prompting that I was ready for my gift to be used.

     I think about Abraham who had to wait so long for the arrival of his promised son, Isaac.  He, too, tried to bring the fulfillment of the promise about before its time.  If God had given Isaac to Abraham much earlier, do you think he’d have been in the spiritual condition necessary to be able to offer his son as a sacrifice when God called him to do it?  I don’t think so.  Abraham had a large family, indeed a whole nation to run.  He had to fight against kings to free his family who had been taken
captive.  His focus was on the demands of his daily responsibilities as a patriarch to a large clan. When he became spiritually available in his later years, God brought the promised son.

     Why wait for the things God has promised us?  Because He knows when we will be ready for them.  Are you waiting for a promise delayed, beloved one?  God hasn’t forgotten you and He isn’t withholding it as punishment for some sin or lack of faith.  When the promise is fulfilled in God’s timing, we receive joy, others are blessed and God gets the glory.

     Let Him continue to work in your life until the time has come that you are ready to receive the promise.

It’s Worth the Wait – your sister in Christ,  Raelynn

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