Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Call to Worship

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that with each day your eyes, ears and hearts are being opened more and more to the things of God and His will for your lives.

     Today I want to talk to you about "A Call to Worship".  I believe God is calling His people in this last day to worship Him.  But what does that really mean?  Where do we begin?  I've shared before that we praise God for what He does and we worship Him for who He is.  But is there a way to worship that pleases God?  I did a word study on "worship" to answer that question.
     In the Old Testament there  is only one Hebrew word for worship.  It means to prostrate, bow down, humble oneself.  It brings to mind a picture of men on mats bowing toward Mecca three times a day.  And that's what Old Testament worship was - the law; a ritual performed because you were required to or to obtain favor.

     Jesus said in John 4:23, "But the hour cometh and now is when true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship Him."  That time is now, beloved.  This is our call to worship.

    There are six different Greek words in the New Testament for worship and they tell a very different story than the ritual of obeisance the Old Testament portrays.  Here are the meanings of the words in the New Testament for worship:  To give glory and honor due; divine service; to show respect; to humble oneself; voluntary sanctimony; and the one word used 3/4 of the time in the New Testament means: to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand - to adore.

     In Old Testament days, they worshipped because they were commanded to or out of a superstitious belief that if they didn't, crops would fail and wives would be infertile.  Today we are called, invited to worship.  To voluntarily set aside time to humble ourselves and give glory and honor and show respect to the One who gave us life.  To show our undying love and adoration to our master whom we willingly serve because of the depth of love He's shown us in that He gave His life for us.  That is worship, my friends.

     Can you hear the call in your spirit?  "Come, now is the time to worship.  Come, now is the time to give your hearts.  Come, just as you are to worship.  Come, just as you are before our God.  Come."

Because He is worthy, I serve.  Raelynn

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