Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Increasing your Faithfulness

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I can't wait to meet you all face to face one day!

     Today I want to talk to you about "Increasing your Faithfulness".  That's different from growing your faith.  Growing your faith means believing more;   Increasing your faithfulness is doing more.

     One day I began walking 2 miles every morning and decided to try to eat healthier.  It became routine for me until the day I got to the half-way point and the Lord asked me to walk an extra mile.  Of course, I complied.  It wasn't that hard. It was just a little more than I had been doing.  He also asked me to change one of my eating habits.  Again, not so hard.  It was just a little bit more.

     I believe the Lord wants us to increase our faithfulness.  Whatever it is that you are already being faithful to do, just do it a little bit more.  If you are reading a chapter a day in your Bible, try reading two.  If you're getting up 1/2 hour early to spend quiet time with God, try getting up 45 min. early.  If you are attending a church service once a month, try twice a month - once a week, try twice a week.  If you are giving what you can financially, try adding $5.

     Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and that more abundantly."  Followers of Christ should never be satisfied with a "status quo" life.  Stepping out of our comfort zones, extending beyond our habits and rituals, going the extra mile, and increasing our faithfulness gains us entrance to the abundant life.

    You see, as we fractionally increase that which we've been faithful to do, God multiplies His faithfulness to us.  As we give that little extra to Him, He gives to us, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and flowing over.  That's the Word of God!  You can take that to the bank!

     More than anything, my precious friends, I want for you an abundant life.  Full of love, full of joy, full of peace, full of health, full of provision - pressed down, shaken together and overflowing.

Please don't settle for good enough - you are children of the King!

Doing a little bit more, Raelynn

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